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To no one's surprise, we thought it was a 'lie'! His companions communicated their adoration for Ali Berra in tears! Eyoha Media | Ali Birra


"We ought to take care of business that can recuperate individuals and mend wounds."


~ Ustaz Abu Bakr Ahmed


#Ethiopia Ustaz Abubakar Ahmed said that work ought to be finished to fix individuals and recuperate the injuries. Ustaz Abubakar passed his congrats on to all Ethiopians on the nonaggression treaty between the central government and the TPLF.


Ustaz Abubakar told the Ethiopian Press Association; After the nonaggression treaty between the central government and the TPLF, work ought to be finished to mend individuals and recuperate the injuries.


"There is no victor in the conflict; We are bankrupt," said Ustaz Abu Bakr. He said that it is important to work so the harm can be dealt with. In later exercises, it is smarter to accelerate the method for remunerating the nation where public injuries are dealt with.


Ustaz Abu Bakr expressed, "Congrats on the day where harmony, love and pardoning are examined and an understanding is made." After this, we ought to escape our own sentiments and spotlight on exercises that carry harmony and improvement to society, he said.


Ustaz Abubakar expressed that the public authority is currently redeveloping the urban areas it has controlled. That's what he said assuming a nonaggression treaty is placed into, either the public authority or the TPLF ought to begin executing it and direct their concentration toward remaking.


As indicated by Ustaz Abu Bakr's discourse; There is a need to accelerate execution and execution that can make common relations tranquil, and attempt to fortify individuals to-individuals relations and clique.


Ustaz Abubakar said that it would enjoy been great assuming this harmony arrangement had been made before this date. He said that it is as yet important to cooperate to keep the sound of shots from being heard in our country.


As per Ustaz Abu Bakr; Because of the inability to consent to date, the nation has been compelled to travel in reverse in the years it is going ahead. He likewise said that it is something major to grasp the misstep and turn the eyes to the option of harmony.


Ustaz Abu Bakr said that harmony is consistently a champ. Those on the different sides, yet different pieces of the general public want to walk the new way of harmony and emerged from the dark document and travel to the illumination of harmony.

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