
Nazareth School Students / Graduation dance


Nazareth School understudies moving on their Graduation day Astonishing Execution


Head of the state Abiy Ahmed reported the foundation of the Public Enemy of Defilement Council.


The State head gave the accompanying assertion with regards to this issue.


Debasement is a revile that eats the country. An irritation consumes the abundance of the nation and keeps its calling unfilled. At the point when Walge specialists, eager dealers and financial backers meet up; When an enormous number of residents fire arranging behind these criminals, debasement will go after the nation like a pandemic, he said in his explanation.


They said that the public authority has been attempting to forestall the production of ideal circumstances for defilement by analyzing the current construction at each level, laying out new methods, smoothing out innovation helped tasks, liberating activities from manual contact, bringing pioneers and different entertainers engaged with debasement wrongdoings to equity.

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