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News Split Craftsman Ali Birra died. Despite the fact that he was given vocal treatment, he was unable to be saved. We wish sympathies to his companions and fans.


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The incredible man of insight has died!!


Decent Dr. Craftsman Ali Birra died in the wake of getting clinical treatment for his ailment.


The craftsman has been in music for over 50 years and has played in excess of 260 tunes.


Ali, who was brought into the world in May 1940, has a recreation area named after him in the city of Dredawa where he was conceived.


Ali Lager, who got privileged doctorates from Dredawa and Jimma colleges; He is known for his music that teaches opportunity and love.


Craftsman Ali Beera began his music vocation by joining the principal Oromo language bunch "Afren Qolo" established in 1954.

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