
2023 Veronica adane Abebaye videoclip


We should have the option to guarantee the flourishing of the family and local area by dealing with the tradition of Lemat. Mr. Adam Farah


A field visit and conference gathering for the execution of Lemat legacy works in Southwest Ethiopia Individuals' District was held in Mizan Amman city.


Adam Farah, VP of the Flourishing Party, who was available at the gathering and conveyed a message, referenced that making Lemat's heritage a culture in every aspect of the region is fundamental.


He referenced that the administration is supposed to have the option to guarantee the flourishing of the family and the local area by empowering every family to zero in on the Lemat heritage.


He expressed that it is important to attempt to set out work open doors for the young by growing the improvement exercises which have been displayed as great encounters in the district.


He said that the district has a great biological system that can guarantee the flourishing of the public economy, so the initiative ought to facilitate individuals and work earnestly.

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